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Pairing Scheduling Pro with Marketing Pro can reduce your marketing spend. Here’s why

August 13th, 2024
4 Min Read

At a recent Toolbox Live event, we asked contractors if they knew their cost per acquisition, a.k.a. the cost in marketing dollars to acquire a new customer. 

One customer said $500. Another said $1,000. There was even a $1,500 response. 

The consensus? Reaching new customers isn’t cheap.

That’s why ServiceTitan introduced the new Scheduling Pro.

  • Scheduling Pro brings a world-class customer experience designed to maximize conversion rates and allow customers to book jobs in real-time directly from your website based on your actual capacity and availability in ServiceTitan.

And when used in tandem with Marketing Pro, the all-in-one marketing automation solution built for the trades, it’s a simple way to reduce your marketing spend. 

The Perfect Call to Action

Driving a new customer from brand awareness, to trust, to conversion is a journey that requires multiple touch points. But life and the internet are distracting, and at every stage in the journey, you’re at risk of losing your audience's  attention. That’s why the fewer clicks, the better.

If you send someone to your website and they leave without contacting you or visiting another page, that’s called a bounce. According to WebFX, the average bounce rate across industries is anywhere from 26%-70%. That’s a lot of marketing dollars spent just to drive website visitors.

Scheduling Pro doesn’t just drive customers to your website. It drives directly to your online scheduler so that your audience can book immediately.

Here are some examples of how Scheduling Pro works with Marketing Pro:

  • Add your direct-to-scheduler link directly into your automated email and SMS text campaigns.

  • Insert QR codes into your direct mail pieces that open directly to your online scheduler.

  • Add your web scheduler to Ads on Google and across the web

But what happens if a customer begins to book an appointment, and they stop midway? One big advantage of capturing customer information via your online scheduler is that you’ll still have access to whatever information the potential customer entered in ServiceTitan. It’s simply logged as an “abandoned session.”

With Scheduling Pro, 40% of bookings on average are new customers—contact information you probably don’t have. If they reached the phone or email stage, that abandoned session information will be available to you so your team can follow up and complete the booking.

Eliminating Wasted Ad Spend

Marketing can feel like throwing your money into a black hole, especially if you don’t have the proper attribution and insights in place to monitor its impact against business goals like new bookings and revenue.

Scheduling Pro captures a host of data points whenever someone starts to fill out or completes your online scheduler, including:

  • FB Click ID

  • Google Click ID

  • GA Client Id

  • Landing page URL

  • MS Click ID

  • Referral URL

  • UTM Adgroup

  • UTM Campaign

  • UTM Content

  • UTM Medium

  • UTM Source

  • UTM Term

  • Campaign

By default, Scheduling Pro passes through any campaign value or URL that launches the scheduler. You can set up campaign rules to inform campaign assignments. You can also set rules based on lead attribution, job type, zones, trade, etc. For example, you might want to always assign a lead to a campaign called Yelp when referralURL =

The Marketing Pro Ads integration makes campaign assignment consistent and seamless. It’s as easy as toggling on the rules you’ve already set up in Marketing Pro during your turnkey onboarding with Scheduling Pro. That way, whether a call is booked by phone or online, you’ll be able to accurately capture where it came from and inform your future marketing efforts.

Pro Tip: You can check out “Lead Quality Metrics” under Marketing Overview in Marketing Pro to view the volume and performance of different lead sources by average job value to understand which channels are driving revenue for your business.

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Game-Changing Online Booking Tech for the Trades

Together, Marketing Pro and Scheduling Pro provides contractors with better insights into which marketing channels drive conversions. This way,marketers can better organize their budgets and cut down on wasted marketing spend.

And most importantly, acquire new customers on the cheap.

To learn more about how Scheduling Pro drives more jobs with a modern customer experience while minimizing overhead, book a demo today.

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