Templates Guides

HVAC Air Balance Report Template: Measure System Efficiency and Grow Your Business


Once your HVAC company installs a new HVAC system, it’s imperative that the system operates properly and your customers remain satisfied with your work. HVAC air balancing is a testing process that ensures an HVAC system functions efficiently and according to specifications.

An air balance report, also called a testing, adjusting, and balancing (TAB) report, measures HVAC system airflow. It’s often required in new commercial construction projects before occupancy. HVAC companies also provide air balancing for residential customers to ensure their HVAC systems provide ideal heating and cooling throughout their home with maximum energy efficiency.

While an HVAC air balance report template is a good starting point to improve consistency and efficiency in your HVAC business, it won’t solve other inefficiencies related to using forms in the field or performing HVAC installations and service.

To address these challenges, many HVAC companies turn to ServiceTitan HVAC Software to increase efficiency and streamline their business. Below, we’ll explain how to use this HVAC air balance report template, and we’ll also cover how HVAC software automates related processes, so you can scale and grow your business.

What is an HVAC air balance report template?

An HVAC air balance report template is a document used to record HVAC equipment air balancing testing results. In an air balance report, a certified HVAC professional records equipment and system information, tests system airflow, and creates a detailed report so the HVAC installer can make the adjustments for optimal heating and air conditioning operation.

An air balance report form walks you through the necessary steps to evaluate a forced-air system, including:

  • List project information, including the address, calibration date, and testing instruments.

  • Document equipment information, such as manufacturer, model number, serial numbers, and technical design data specifications, like fan speed data.

  • Check the HVAC system and components, such as the air handling unit (AHU), filters, coils, and the terminal unit, also called Variable Air Volume (VAV) or Constant Air Volume (CAV) boxes.

  • Mark equipment and devices.

  • Measure air speed volume by cubic feet per minute (CFM) through ductwork at grilles, registers, and diffusers, using a Pitot tube traverse and other instruments. Testing static pressure measures pressure differences from the supply air side and return air side.

  • Compare measured airflows to design airflows, making adjustments to the damper until it’s within 10 percent of design specifications.

HVAC professionals and companies can obtain HVAC air balancing certification through several programs, including the Associated Air Balance Council (AABC), the National Balancing Council (NBC), the National Environmental Balancing Bureau (NEBB), and the Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing Bureau (TABB), among others. These commissioning groups set their procedural standards for HVAC system balancing.

The challenges of recording air balance reports

Air balance test reports include an array of details, from equipment and system information to technical test data. They also include data gathered from the office and in the field. Without an air balance report form, it’s easy to overlook the small, but extremely important, details related to the HVAC test.

Inaccurate information or delays due to incomplete information could result in more time to finish the report and make needed system adjustments, which could postpone occupancy for a newly constructed building.

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Current solutions for air balance reports

While an air balance report sheet helps an HVAC tech record all the necessary data, some HVAC contractors opt to use paper forms. They may create a fillable form in Microsoft Excel from scratch, printing off sheets to fill out in the field.

Paper forms come with their own drawbacks, though, as sometimes there’s just not enough space for a tech to write down complete information. Paper forms also easily get damaged, misplaced, or lost.

Once your tech completes a paper form, they need to promptly return it to the office. If you want to digitally save the report, an employee will need to scan or manually input the data, which takes up valuable time and creates more chances for manual error. Your office employees must copy and file paper reports, and finally, mail the report to the customer.

How an HVAC air balance report template saves time

An air balance report template gives you a customizable form to use over and over again, saving you time from re-creating the same document. You can customize ServiceTitan’s HVAC air balance report template with your company logo and contact information.

Our template ensures your data is well-organized and readable. It includes project, equipment, and system information at the top, and columns to record test data. While our HVAC air balance report template is comprehensive, you can add or delete items as needed to meet your needs.

Save the PDF template to your desktop as a new file. From there, you can customize the form with your company name and logo.

How ServiceTitan helps HVAC companies improve operations and drive growth

While downloading customizable templates is a step in the right direction, using ServiceTitan HVAC Software can help you seamlessly integrate every aspect of your business to maximize efficiency and boost profit. ServiceTitan’s cloud-based solution streamlines operations from your office to the field, increasing efficiency and productivity.

Improve efficiency with digital forms in the field

What if your HVAC techs possess everything they need, right at their fingertips? With the ServiceTitan Field Service App, you don’t need to worry about your tech forgetting to take a form or misplacing paperwork in their vehicle.

Upload digital forms to a mobile device to ensure your techs record every detail. You can even trigger forms to automatically appear for certain job types or during different parts of the job cycle, so a tech can’t close out a job until they complete the form.

Digital forms help HVAC companies implement consistent workflows, reduce chances for error, and increase customer satisfaction. A mobile field service app also helps HVAC techs present customers tiered sales options in the field, build branded estimates, and accept payment, all with a few taps on a mobile device.

When you give your team the tools they need to work more efficiently, you eliminate unnecessary phone calls or extra trips to the office, enabling your team to get more done in less time.

Streamline HVAC installations and service to maximize profit

While digital forms save your techs time, ServiceTitan HVAC software improves efficiency throughout your entire operations, even before techs arrive at a job.

Use HVAC scheduling and dispatching software to match techs to the right job for the most profit. Drag-and-drop scheduling makes the job of your CSR or dispatcher easier, so they can make quick updates. With all customer and job information in one place, such as a customer’s property data and previous jobs, your techs stay in the loop and can spot larger sales opportunities.

ServiceTitan’s reporting capabilities give you greater insight into granular details of each job, so you can make informed decisions about labor, job trends, or recurring services. Tracking performance metrics allows you to make meaningful improvements and take your HVAC business to the next level.

How to connect forms with your HVAC business

If your team faces challenges relating to paper forms, communication, and organization, it may be time to examine your current processes.

While an HVAC air balance report template is a good start, a comprehensive solution like ServiceTitan truly streamlines your operations, automates tasks, and improves profitability.

>>Ready to learn how HVAC software will transform your business? Schedule a demo to see our software features in action.