Garage Door, Operations, Productivity, Pro Features, Success Story

AI-Powered Dispatching: How A1 Garage Door gave dispatchers time back

February 19th, 2025
3 Min Read


For years as a dispatcher, it was the one thing Michelle Copeland wished she had more of at A1 Garage Door. And the culprit that soaked up most of it was routing.

“(Routing) was super time-consuming,” she said. “(I was spending a lot of time) double-checking routes and making sure we were being efficient.”

But routing was just one of her responsibilities. It was also her job to assign the right tech to the right job, communicate with customers, and keep her techs happy and busy. On many days, it felt like there wasn’t enough time in the day to do it all—and do it well. 

Then A1 started using ServiceTitan’s Dispatch Pro.

  • Dispatch Pro uses your data and AI to run thousands of scenarios to always select the best technician for the job, freeing up time for your team to focus on other tasks. It simplifies dispatching, empowering dispatchers to handle more trucks while ensuring techs feel confident in job selection for success.

“(Us) dispatchers love it,” Copeland said. “It has saved (them) so much time, so they can reach out to customers and really give them that A1 service.”

Dispatch Pro has allowed A1 dispatchers to handle more techs without adding any stress or overhead costs. Pre-Dispatch Pro, A1’s Chief Operating Officer Luke Martin said, the company was operating around a 10-12 tech per dispatcher ratio. 


“Currently, we’re at a 20:1 (ratio),” Martin said. “Since the launch of Dispatch Pro, we’ve added 150 technicians—and we haven’t added one dispatcher. On top of that, we’ve been able to give (our dispatchers) additional tasks. We now do technician debriefs at the end of every call, and we do quality checking of every call to make sure they’re booked correctly and the data’s correct. That just makes everyone feel more confident in the system.”

The techs love Dispatch Pro, too. That’s because the algorithm assigns the best tech to the job based on factors such as sales potential, skills, and more. There’s no more bias.

“We can really tell which techs are performing,” Copeland said. “Before (Dispatch Pro), we just used a monthly ranking system—but that’s not (accurate) because some guys can have a really good day, and then they can have a bad day. (Dispatch Pro) has given the guys that we thought were mediocre or in the middle of the pack…more opportunities.

“With Dispatch Pro, it’s making it an even playing field.”

Dispatch Pro knows A1’s technicians just as well—if not better—than A1 does. For example, let’s say there’s an A1 technician who’s really good at tuneups vs. one who’s not as good. Dispatch Pro calculates those qualities and makes sure the right tech goes to the right call.

“A dispatcher doesn’t have to do any math or calculations or anything,” Martin said. “Dispatch Pro does it all. It sends the techs who are most likely to turn over the call to sell equipment.”

And that has made a huge impact when it comes to revenue.

“(Pre-Dispatch Pro, we were) around 9% to 9.5% in lead conversion rate,” Martin said. “We’re currently at around 11.5% to 12%. It doesn’t seem like a big number, but when you’re running 20,000 jobs per month, that extra 2% adds up really really fast.

According to Martin, since launching Dispatch Pro, A1 has seen record revenue days and months.

“We had a $900,000 day,” Martin said. “(And) we just surpassed our first $21 million month.” 

And just as importantly, it’s given Copeland and her fellow dispatchers much needed time back.

“We have seen a huge impact on efficiencies,” Copeland said. “(Dispatch Pro) has been a game changer.”

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