Garage Door, Success Story, Productivity

How ServiceTitan ‘Changed Everything’ for Lowry Doors

Adrienne Teeley
July 19th, 2024
4 Min Read

Jennifer Alonso keeps a small figurine of the Mad Hatter on her desk at Lowry Doors, a garage door company in Orem, Utah. 

While Alonso’s official title is the director of administration, her team dubbed her the Mad Hatter because she wears so many hats at the commercial and residential shop, overseeing marketing, operations, personnel and more.

It wasn’t always like this. Four years ago, Alonso’s role centered on manually inputting data, organizing stacks of paperwork and fighting with the outdated software system Lowry used. 

Things changed in 2021, when Lowry modernized its operations by joining ServiceTitan. With the new software, Alonso could automate many of the tasks that once filled her days. 

In fact, the whole team found itself with more time on its hands.

“Because we could take on more of a workload, we (could) go out and get more work,” Alonso said. “So we kept growing.”

The timing couldn’t have been better: The construction industry in Utah was booming, and from 2021 to 2022, Alonso said Lowry experienced 85% growth in revenue. 

“Without ServiceTitan, there's no way we could have handled that workload. There's just no way,” Alonso said. “Doing (tasks) manually, printing paperwork, no. It would've never happened in 100 years.”

Software that’s a treat to use

In the past, Lowry ran on an “archaic” field service software that wasn’t cloud-based like ServiceTitan

That meant no working from home—much less working from a job site. Alonso and her team would “have to sit down and print everything the (techs) would (need), and we'd stack them all nice and make a little cover sheet,” she said. 

But getting techs to return those packets was a challenge. So the front office resorted to bribery.

“If you brought back half your paperwork, you got a tiny Snickers (bar),” she laughed. “If you brought it all back for the whole week, you got a full-size candy bar.”

Even with the paperwork in hand, “we’d still have to manually input everything into the system,” Alonso said. “It was pretty awful.”

Thanks to ServiceTitan, “I don’t bribe with candy anymore,” Alonso said. “I think my techs are probably healthier for it.”

Now, techs fill out their forms from the job site, using tablets or phones. Everything they input, like notes, parts used, customer information and more, is automatically updated in ServiceTitan—no additional data entry needed.

This shift has been priceless to the front office. And when Alonso hears people comment that ServiceTitan is expensive, she’s quick to respond:

“So are candy bars.” 

Improvements everywhere you look

Can software really make that much of a difference? Alonoso explains how ServiceTitan’s features helped Lowry—and her team—level up:

  • Save techs time: Talking on the phone takes time, which is why Lowry’s techs and front office communicate through notes, tags and texts in ServiceTitan. With increased efficiency, Alonso said some service techs are hitting nine jobs a day instead of six.

  • Reduce errors: When manually inputting purchase orders, it’s easy to accidentally order the wrong door or panel. With ServiceTitan, Alonso avoids errors by simply duplicating the purchase order from a sold estimate.

  • Trade secrets: Through ServiceTitan’s networking groups like the Torch Network and LadyTitans, Alonso has been able to swap knowledge with others in the industry. “I've always said my favorite people were garage door people,” she shared. “Now, my favorite people are garage door people who are on ServiceTitan.”

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In it for the long haul

While there are days when Alonso feels like the Mad Hatter, she said overall the stress levels in the front office have plummeted since joining ServiceTitan.

For example, she remembers when her team had to stay after hours to finish up their work—like calling customers to remind them about their appointments. Now, ServiceTitan automatically sends appointment reminders early in the day—complete with a technician bio.

With smoother workflows, Alonso’s team is happier—and putting down roots at Lowry. “It’s switched so the office is more of a career,” she said. “We’ve got some tenureship building.”

Techs are eager to stick around, too. After all, with the increase in efficiency they can book more jobs per day, and make more money.

Alonso herself is pretty pleased with where she is, too. 

“I always said I couldn't imagine my life without Lowry Doors,” she said. “And today, I can't imagine leaving ServiceTitan.”

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