Automate for Success: Learn how to Drive Demand When Business Slows

September 26th 2024

11:00 am (pst)

Guest speakers
Chris Hunter

Principal Industry Advisor


Margie Baker

Senior Customer Success Manager for Enterprise


With the busy season winding down, now is the ideal time to explore ways to boost demand. Join industry experts Chris Hunter and Margie Baker for a must-attend webinar designed to help you maintain strong business momentum this fall.

 You’ll discover practical strategies to equip your team with the confidence to sell, offering solutions that connect with customers and make it easy for them to say "yes." We'll also share marketing campaigns and automations that drive demand during the slower seasons, along with tools to enhance technician performance and keep your business thriving year-round.

What you will learn:
  • Get insight into selling strategies and techniques for making it easy for technicians to sell

  • Learn marketing automations that drive demand during shoulder season

  • Plus, see how you can leverage Dispatch Pro and Integrated Financing together as the best combination for technician performance