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Introducing Estimate Templates 2.0 - A Faster, More Intuitive Way To Build Templates and Sell More

Melani Deyto
November 15th, 2020
3 Min Read

As a best practice, ServiceTitan strongly encourages service and sales managers to get their technicians to offer multiple, “good, better, best” type options to customers. Several studies have shown that adopting this pricing strategy dramatically increases revenue for contractors.

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But we know many technicians don’t like to sell, and getting them to adopt this best practice can be a challenge. Providing access to pre-built options that can easily be found and presented is critical to getting your techs to comply.  

Building out estimate templates, however, has been extremely time consuming. Creating pre-built packages involved setting up fake jobs for every option, which caused inaccuracies with your live data and reporting. Plus, when items changed in your pricebook, more time and effort was required to update those items in your estimate templates.

That’s why we’re very excited to finally bring you Estimate Templates 2.0, a faster, more intuitive way to build out estimate and proposal templates. Now, techs can have an effective sales tool they can use to quickly present multiple options to your customers and sell more on each and every job.

Save Time Creating and Managing your Templates

Say goodbye to hours spent having to create fake jobs on test customers, selling the job, and following multiple steps to create templates. We’ve made things more efficient by moving templates out of Settings and into your pricebook, so you can create estimate and proposal templates completely removed from existing jobs.  Plus,  we’ve simplified the process of adding and editing items, including discounts and fees. 

We’ve also introduced dynamic estimate template types that automatically updates fields in your templates whenever your pricebook is updated. So if you make changes to your pricing, images, or descriptions in your pricebook you will no longer have to manually update all your templates!

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Empower your Techs to Sell More Effectively

Every one of your techs can now easily offer pre-built packages, presented in a consistent manner. We’ve introduced Proposal Templates which you can use to group estimate templates (or options)  together and add custom good/better/best type labels, saving time for both you and your technicians! Building your proposal is as simple as choosing a proposal type, then dragging and dropping from a library of estimate templates into your proposal template.

Training your technicians becomes easier as well. Now, even your least experienced technician can present options at the same level as your most seasoned technician. 

Increase Average Ticket Size and Revenue

Presenting just one estimate to your customers will inevitably create missed profit opportunities. With Estimate Templates 2.0, your techs can show value more quickly by presenting multiple options and allowing your customers to choose which package works best for them. With packages pre-built the way you want them, you might be surprised just how often customers select the “better” or “best” options. This represents a huge opportunity for you to move the needle on your business. 

Give Back Time to Your Technicians

Your technicians no longer have to invest a lot of time creating estimates, saving them a significant amount of time throughout their day. Every minute saved on a job is a minute earlier your techs can get home to their families or fit even more jobs into the year.

Are you ready to see your average ticket size and revenue increase? Start building more estimate and proposal templates today! Visit the Knowledge Base for details on how to get started or contact your Success Manager for details.

ServiceTitan Software

ServiceTitan is a comprehensive software solution built specifically to help service companies streamline their operations, boost revenue, and substantially elevate the trajectory of their business. Our comprehensive, cloud-based platform is used by thousands of electrical, HVAC, plumbing, garage door, and chimney sweep shops across the country—and has increased their revenue by an average of 25% in just their first year with us.

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